Global packet delivery that works!
International, global, multi-team collaboration helps everyday work not just by realising that we are not alone in our efforts. The synergy of cooperation and alliance improves, enhances and speeds up overall advancement of our infrastructure, processes, services and systems. This session brings three such examples. We will hear about the Global Network Advancement Group or GNA-G, its goals, working groups and possibilities to join, participate and contribute, and about Managed Network Services for Exascale Data Movement Across Large Global Scientific Collaborations. This world-wide journey returns us back to Europe with a presentation about network development activities in the GÉANT project.
All data big & small
Data is a messy thing and it comes in all shapes and sizes. It can be generated by space-facing telescopes, deep earth probes, tiny computers, humans at a keyboard or in countless other ways; but that is only the beginning! While its sources can vary hugely, there are certainly crucial commonalities about what needs to be done to organise it, curate it and present it to the world, making it available now and preserving it for future generations. This session looks at three different projects with those common aims, no matter where the data comes from!
TNC23 Opening plenary
Official opening of TNC23 by Chairman of the GÉANT Board (Gilles Massen) and CEO of GÉANT (Erik Huizer). Celebration ceremony for the 2023 GÉANT Community Award and the Vietsch Foundation Medal of Honour 2023.
Lightning Talk Plenaries - First Strike
Lightning Talks are 5 minute presentations focusing on one key point. This can be an idea, successful project, a cautionary story, collaboration invitation, quick tip or demonstration. This session is an opportunity for ideas to get the attention they deserve. The rules for this session are easy: five minutes and only five minutes.
Mostly Cloudy
This session will show three examples of how NRENs have successfully supported their institutions with infrastructure-cloud and hybrid cloud environments. Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences will explain how scalable cloud services enable digital transformation in teaching and what cloud migration in education looks like. Internet2 will give an insight to how make best use of cloud services and understand cloud trends, like usage patterns and compliance with requirements. The Greek network GRNET together with GÉANT will describe their joint journey towards the procurement and use of hybrid cloud services that have become most popular among R&E community.
The glory that is eduroam
Since its launch in Europe over 20 years ago, eduroam has gained popularity throughout the research and education community and is now available in over a 100 countries worldwide. This session takes us through new standards and practices, the geteduroam project for easier onboarding and adoption by k12 in the US. The participants will take away the latest developments in the glory that is eduroam.
Lightning Talk Plenaries - Second Strike
Lightning Talks are 5 minute presentations focusing on one key point. This can be an idea, successful project, a cautionary story, collaboration invitation, quick tip or demonstration. This session is an opportunity for ideas to get the attention they deserve. The rules for this session are easy: five minutes and only five minutes.
My digital backpack
For decades we have been using federated identity management within the education and research community. Browser vendor changes and the push by the European Commission for digital wallets might however change how we work with digital identities going forward. But what is a digital wallet, how can we use them within our community and do we need to prepare now already for the future changes of identity management? Come and listen to this talk to get to know what the EU Digital Identity Wallet is all about!
Education cocktail: mixing the physical & virtual
Come and enjoy a cocktail of technologies connecting physical and virtual education spaces! We’ll mix in the impact of XR on (SURF) public values, the impact of Slovene Educational Network on thousands of teachers and the impact of CARNET's service portfolio that is bridging the gap between generations of users.
Wednesday Plenary
The doctor will see you now
But please turn your camera ON. Telemedicine, telerehabilitation, virtual reality for surgeons are examples how digital technologies are bringing medical expertise to the people in need. Together with technology comes the data about about your health, your healing processes, even clinical cases. But what happens with this data? Where is it used? Is it used in a transparent way? Please join us for an eHealth consultation, but be advised - participation might have an enlightening side effect on you.
Lock & Key
The network categorical imperatives of security and neutrality are differently dealt with. Here we’ll look in three different directions (sequentially!): encryption and government, AI/ML for DDoS detection and mitigation, and network recon tooling.
If it was easy, we would have done it by now
Steve Jobs once said “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”, and he was right. Innovation is as much of an art as a science, and it often happens in increments. Our community has many, many examples of those that are visionary enough, persistent enough, and willing to take the chances to do just that - change how we work, how we do research, and how we collaborate. This session will explore the exciting innovations ranging from viewing the stars to effectively moving data in new ways.
Sentient Security
Journey with us into the world of sentient security. Marvel at the complex beings that are able to withstand great security risks, compute crises and find light in the shadows of the IT jungle. In this session, you will find out how we as NRENs can train them to become more hardened, more creative and flexible and how they can improve their own environment. So if humans are part of your organisation and security is important to you, come and find out if sentient security might be the solution!
Details Matter
This session is all about paying attention to the small things that can make a big difference. Details matter in strategies for improving error handling in federated ecosystems, achieving reasonable levels of assurance in federated access, and implementing fine grained access control processes for protecting sensitive data.
Robots rule the world
Whether it is simple scripting to minimize repetitive tasks, or comprehensive orchestration of an entire computational workflow, there can be no mistaking the significant emergence of automation and orchestration in the networking and larger IT communities. This session explores examples of our peers experience forging ahead into the vast frontier of automating all the things.
Evolving Federations
Federations are growing and evolving to support new communities, advance core services, and explore new technologies. This session will take us around the world to hear about new federations forming in Africa, powerful services provided by the federation in Australia, and the direction of new technologies through eduGAIN. Participants will come away with inspiration and practical guidance to bring back to their own organizations as they plan for the future.
TNC23 Closing Plenary
SENSEational Networking
Traditionally our community has utilised submarine cables for telecommunications. However, new techniques, technologies and methods are being employed which allow existing and new submarine fibre optic telecoms cables to be used as research instruments in their own right, all while co-existing with telecoms traffic. This session will explore the technology and the research associated with this new field of science, followed by a dialogue with a new research institute which is being created in Albania. What is needed to make an infrastructure like this work? What types of research can be performed with this data? All these questions and more will be explored in the SENSEational Networking session.
Finding people? Educating people. Keeping people!
IT sector is booming and constantly looking for new employees. This situation puts NRENs into a difficult position while recruiting for new talents. How to attract them? How keep them interested and dedicated? What does it take to make an attractive work environment to expect long-term commitment? In this session the NRENs will share their experience trying to attract and retain new employees, and bring fresh perspectives to our community.
You wanted a bike, now you need to pedal
The use and production of open source software to power NREN service delivery comes with challenges unique to this software sourcing model. In this session we’ll explore a number of those challenges and share experiences in how to address them.
Dreaming of electric sheep
When Phillip K. Dick wrote When Androids Dream of Electric Sheep in the 60s he was exploring questions of the difference between humanity and machines. Automation has made us faster, more accurate and able to go further. Now, AI and machine learning techniques are being used where previously only humans were seen capable of complex nuanced judgement. This session looks at how NRENs are bringing the machine into operations, understanding our users, and enabling teaching and assessment.
Ebbs & Flows
Research and Education Networks are probably one of the only places where a network graph can look like it is showing a DDoS attack while it’s not. When you are managing a R&E network, you should not only not stop some gigantic flows, but make your best to let them flow smoothly and without restrictions, in order to make Science progress. Different solutions (like the science DMZ), techniques (like marking packets), and tools (like Scistream) are used to make the network and the analysis of scientific data in nearly real-time more efficient. In this session, we will explore these solutions.
Joining Forces
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. NRENs already do this for networking, trust & identity and security. In this session we will look at the opportunities in three other areas for going further together: shared procurement, EOSC and educational services.
Quantum: beyond the crypto techbros
In the last few years, we have heard about quantum technology, computers, networks, security, communications, or projects. No one would argue that quantum is going to be a game changer and security is never going to be the same with quantum computers and networks. But, what can we find about them in the real world? How can the fibre networks be used for the development of quantum technologies? In this session, we will explore how different projects and initiatives around quantum concepts have been developed in research and education networks and ways to get involved in quantum.

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