For the below side meetings, on Tuesday – Thursday, there is no need to purchase a Side Meeting/Workshop pass. This is only needed for the Workshops on Monday 5 June and Friday 9 June.

Side meeting

Future directions for NRENs in Open science

08.30 - 10.30 | Underground B



This meeting addresses NREN strategies, activities and benefits of Open Science work. Lightning talks will cover GÉANT survey results and NREN case studies to identify future directions (max 40 mins). The focus will be on discussion to explore lessons and potential partnership opportunities between NRENs, EUDAT and RDA.


  • Annabel Grant (GÉANT)
  • Sarah Jones (GÉANT)
Side meeting


08.30 - 10.30 | Paris



Fireside chat to explore the possibility to enhance actions between Europe and Latin America in the framework of the BELLA II Project based on experience of the eHealth Telemedicine Network of Brazil- Latin America, RUTE.


  • Tania Altamirano López (RedCLARA)
Side meeting

eduVPN - update and meet-up

08.30 - 10.30 | Underground A



Now deployed on 5 continents and more than 150 universities, eduVPN supports OpenVPN and WireGuard for small to large multi-node deployments. But what do you think? We’d like to meet and hear new requirements, tell you about our current plans, see what needs to be revised.


  • Tangui Coulouarn (DEIC)
  • Rogier Spoor (eduVPN)
Side meeting

GNA-G Community Meeting

08.30 - 10.30 | Vienna



GNA-G is a community of R&E network professionals all over the world. Working group results will be presented with discussion and feedback gathering. The meeting at TNC22 was well attended and praised for the content and discussion with the wish to repeat it at TNC23, therefore this proposal.


  • Ivana Golub (PSNC)
Side meeting

SEE Directors Forum

08.30 - 10.30 | London



The SEE Directors meet regularly every quarter to share best practices and explore ways of collaborations. In this exceptional occasion they want to use the opportunity to showcase their (N)REN to the TNC audience.


  • Marina De Giorgi (GÉANT)
Side meeting

Building Sustainable Cyberinfrastructure and High Performance Computing Communities

14.00 - 15.30 | London



Today’s research and educational institutions of higher learning require cyberinfrastructure(CI) as much as they do classrooms or libraries. We are hosting a BOF to discuss models and approaches for emerging regions to receive equipment and support to grow their CI capabilities and to evaluate upcoming opportunities.


  • John Fonner (Director Special Projects, Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC))
  • Christopher Whalen (Research Data and Communication Technologies)
Side meeting

HR & Learning Forum: Building a future talent pool - recruiting and retaining talented people

14.00 - 15.30 | Paris



Recruiting and retaining good people is a shared challenge within our community. In this session, we will hear how panellists are approaching this challenge and explore ideas in groups. Discussion will include: a) How to build a future talent pool b) HR & Learning strategies to aid recruitment and retention.

Please Register here.


  • Sarah Hughes (GEANT)

Emerging NREN Programme

14.00 - 15.30 | Paris



The emerging NRENs meet alongside TNC with the Host NREN representatives


  • Leila Dekkar (GÉANT)

Cloud Technology Futures and the Impact on Research and Education

08.30 - 10.30 | Underground A



This workshop woill be an opportunity to look at the future of cloud technology and its impact on research and education. A range of our partners will offer their views on the topic, supported by use-cases from the community. Topics will include:


Rich Pitts (Sr. Principal Research Advocate) gives an overview of Oracle for Research and how it supports researchers worldwide.

Google and Sparkle:

* Digital Healthcare training in the metaverse of the University hospital - Speaker Federico Italiano.

* Data processing activities in the ICANDID 3.0 SSH FAIR data hub - Speaker Paolo Perulli.

* OPENSCIENCELABS FOR HPC on the cloud - Speaker Constanze Rödig.


* A New Education Model in the Cloud - Students, teachers and parents’ requirements are developing faster than ever. The 1:1 education model cannot scale due to the shortage of teachers and increased modern needs. Cloud Technology can solve these issues by putting data at the center and at work to initiate the transformation of Education industry. In the future Data becomes the foundation for new student’s experience and GenAI complements (not substitute) the teacher’s role.


  • Karl Meyer
Side meeting

ESnet-GÉANT Annual Meeting

08.30 - 10.30 | London



The annual meeting held between ESnet and GÉANT to review the ESnet connectivity service and discuss future plans.


  • Tom Fryer (GÉANT)
Side meeting

Federations and Browsers

08.30 - 10.30 | Vienna



The role web browsers are playing in authentication and authorization is changing. This BoF will discuss those changes and their implications for R&E federations.


  • Heather Flanagan (Spherical Cow Consulting)
Side meeting


08.30 - 10.30 | Paris



Annual meeting of Filesender users and developers to discuss roadmap requirements. if you plan to attend please register here so we have an idea how many people to expect .


  • Guido Aben (SUNET)
Side meeting

Global Cloud Activity Exchange

08.30 - 10.30 | Underground B



Following the online global cloud “show-and-tell” meetings last summer, TNC23 will return to hosting an in-person meeting to enable RENs from around the globe to discuss developments in cloud activities.

This year we propose a range of topics to guide discussion. These are:
* Security
* Cost control and financial operations
* Research data storage and management
* Vendor management
* Cloud team recruitment and development

We aim for one or two lightning talks (5 minutes maximum) per topic area from the participants in the room, preferably including a clear message or a question to stimulate discussion or possibly propose a call for action.

If you would like to give a lightning talk focusing on one of the areas listed, please contact the International Relations Team by Wednesday, 31 May at the latest.

You can register for the meeting here.


  • Maria Ristkok (EENet)
  • Jakob Tendel (DFN-Verein)

The Future Internet in China and Other International Projects

14.00 - 15.30 | London



This side meeting will mainly share the progress of the following four projects:

1. Future Internet Technology Infrastructure project in China,
Speaker: Dr. Zhonghui Li from CERNET/Tsinghua University

2. The eduroam deployment in Chinese universities,
Speaker: Ping Chen, CERNET/Peking University

3. The deployment of CARSI (short for CERNET Authentication and Resource Sharing Infrastructure, a member federation of eduGAIN)
Speaker: Ping Chen, CERNET/Peking University

4. APNIC ISIF Project: BGPWatch platform led by Tsinghua University, China
Speaker: Changqing An, CERNET/Tsinghua University


  • Wang Bo (CERNET/Tsinghua University)
Side meeting

NREN Financial Benchmarking

14.00 - 15.30 | Paris



Gathering NREN participants with financial management background and functions to explore and discuss complementarities, similarities and differences in terms of NREN financial sustainability models, to support future schemes


  • Tania Altamirano López (RedCLARA)
  • Mark Urban (RedCLARA)


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae lacus vitae lorem consectetur auctor. Suspendisse porttitor vehicula lacus, eget faucibus augue venenatis eu. Fusce varius, nisl sed porta molestie, augue turpis eleifend neque, et mattis eros lorem ac nisl. Vivamus feugiat tristique commodo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae lacus vitae lorem consectetur auctor. Suspendisse porttitor vehicula lacus, eget faucibus augue venenatis eu. Fusce varius, nisl sed porta molestie, augue turpis eleifend neque, et mattis eros lorem ac nisl. Vivamus feugiat tristique commodo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae lacus vitae lorem consectetur auctor. Suspendisse porttitor vehicula lacus, eget faucibus augue venenatis eu. Fusce varius, nisl sed porta molestie, augue turpis eleifend neque, et mattis eros lorem ac nisl. Vivamus feugiat tristique commodo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae lacus vitae lorem consectetur auctor. Suspendisse porttitor vehicula lacus, eget faucibus augue venenatis eu. Fusce varius, nisl sed porta molestie, augue turpis eleifend neque, et mattis eros lorem ac nisl. Vivamus feugiat tristique commodo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae lacus vitae lorem consectetur auctor. Suspendisse porttitor vehicula lacus, eget faucibus augue venenatis eu. Fusce varius, nisl sed porta molestie, augue turpis eleifend neque, et mattis eros lorem ac nisl. Vivamus feugiat tristique commodo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae lacus vitae lorem consectetur auctor. Suspendisse porttitor vehicula lacus, eget faucibus augue venenatis eu. Fusce varius, nisl sed porta molestie, augue turpis eleifend neque, et mattis eros lorem ac nisl. Vivamus feugiat tristique commodo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae lacus vitae lorem consectetur auctor. Suspendisse porttitor vehicula lacus, eget faucibus augue venenatis eu. Fusce varius, nisl sed porta molestie, augue turpis eleifend neque, et mattis eros lorem ac nisl. Vivamus feugiat tristique commodo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae lacus vitae lorem consectetur auctor. Suspendisse porttitor vehicula lacus, eget faucibus augue venenatis eu. Fusce varius, nisl sed porta molestie, augue turpis eleifend neque, et mattis eros lorem ac nisl. Vivamus feugiat tristique commodo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae lacus vitae lorem consectetur auctor. Suspendisse porttitor vehicula lacus, eget faucibus augue venenatis eu. Fusce varius, nisl sed porta molestie, augue turpis eleifend neque, et mattis eros lorem ac nisl. Vivamus feugiat tristique commodo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae lacus vitae lorem consectetur auctor. Suspendisse porttitor vehicula lacus, eget faucibus augue venenatis eu. Fusce varius, nisl sed porta molestie, augue turpis eleifend neque, et mattis eros lorem ac nisl. Vivamus feugiat tristique commodo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae lacus vitae lorem consectetur auctor. Suspendisse porttitor vehicula lacus, eget faucibus augue venenatis eu. Fusce varius, nisl sed porta molestie, augue turpis eleifend neque, et mattis eros lorem ac nisl. Vivamus feugiat tristique commodo.

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